Dudhwa National Park

How to Get there?

Located 04 hours away from Lucknow Airport – accessible by flight from New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.

09 hour drive away from New Delhi.

Type of Safari at the Park?

  Half-Day Jeep Safari

 Canoe Ride on the River

  BElephant Safaris : This is the only way to see the Rhinos in their habitat ( we do not recommend riding elephants usually)

History & Overview

Part of the most beautiful Terai Forests of India located in the Upper-Gangetic Plains, these protected forests are formed by Moist Deciduous, Evergreen Forests and Alluvial Plains on the doab of the Mohana and Suheli Rivers.

The Biodiversity of region is incredible, with over 400 species of very special birds occurring here. The endangered Gharial, Swamp Deer along with Rhinos, Elephants and the Royal Bengal Tiger can be seen here in absolutely wondrous habitat.

Jeep Safari or rowing down slowly on the river observing the winter birds, the crocodiles and the beautiful grasslands and the forested hills beyond them. At every turn, there are unique species to see – which makes Dudhwa truly a paradise for Nature Lovers.

Flora and Fauna

Wildlife Birds
Greater One Horned Rhino Great Slaty Woodpecker
Gharial Bristled Grassbird
Swamp Deer Striated Grassbird
Royal Bengal Tiger Black-necked Stork
Indian Elephant Swamp Francolin
Indian Leopard Short-eared Owl
Fishing Cat Dusky Eagle Owl
Marsh Mugger Crocodile Tawny Fish Owl
Sloth Bear Marsh Harrier
Barasingha Black-crested Bulbul

Geography and Climate

Area 3,326 km²
Co-ordinates 28.4346° N, 80.5703° E
Weekly Off None
Functional Days 15th November - 15th June
Rainfall 1,600 mm
Forest Type Moist Deciduous Forest

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